Calculate your commute mileage
Miles (Round Trip)
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Input the estimated miles you drive each day.
Estimated miles you drive each weekday.
Estimated miles you drive on the weekend.
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Monthly Fuel Cost*
_ /mo.
_ /yr.
Monthly EV or PHEV Cost*
_ /mo.
_ /yr.
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Est. utility kWh rate*
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Select the rate that applies to the time you will charge.
Estimated Savings*
_ /mo.
_ /yr.

Estimated Charging Time

This charge time estimate has been configured based on the vehicle you've selected and the miles you drive per day. The chart below shows approximately how much time it takes to charge with the three types of available charging equipment. Most EV owners will find Level 2 240V charging to be the best option for their daily charging needs. Visit the EV Facts section to learn more about charging options.

*Disclaimer: The calculations on this page are specific to residential electricity rates of Adams Electric Cooperative, Inc. and rates change periodically. Rates of other utilities will vary. The "U-Shift" rate is based upon an Adams Electric member program. This calculator provides only an estimate of potential savings. Actual results will vary, and you may not realize similar savings. The calculators are only for illustrative and general reference, and no warranty, representation, or guaranty is made as to accuracy. Vehicle data is subject to change without notice. Adams Electric is not responsible or liable for any actions taken based upon data from this webpage or any results thereof, including without limitation any claims related to data accuracy.